7th Grade Counseling
Welcome to 7th Grade!!!
770-736-8447 / Shayla.Thompson@gcpsk12.org
Classroom Core Curriculum Lessons
- School Support: Counselor Introduction, Lifelines Suicide Prevention Program
- Career Exploration: Career Cluster Finder and Dual Enrollment overview
- Teen Lures: Teen LuresTM Prevention is a research-based program that Gwinnett County Public Schools uses to teach the importance of healthy relationships and its connection to personal safety by way of class discussions, student handouts, video clips, and corresponding activities.
Peer Leadership Program
Peer Leaders are interviewed in the spring of their 7th-grade year to serve as a Peer Leaders during their 8th-grade year.
7th Grade Counseling AKS
Academic Development
1. Identify ways to improve study skills (including time management, goal setting, and organizational skills.
2. Identify ways to take tests and how to control test anxiety.
3. Utilize assessment data to direct educational goals/plans.
Career Development
1. Identify benefits of a positive work environment and how work ethics contribute to such an environment (include characteristics and responsibilities associated with a strong work ethic and/or a drug-free workplace.
2. Acquire skills to explore career choices in relation to skills and interests; Identify skills and behaviors which will help one be successful in a chosen career.
Life Skills
1. Demonstrate ways to control emotions and behaviors (including ways to appropriately express anger and frustrations).
2. Identify ways that verbal and nonverbal communication skills can help to solve problems and improve relationships while demonstrating ways to meditate peacefully and settle conflicts
3. Identify ways to be fair in how one treats others.
4. Identify ways to resist negative peer pressure and protect personal safety
5. Recognize the importance of being responsible for one’s actions.
7th Grade Promotion Criteria
To earn promotion to the 8th grade, students should pass five out of six subjects each semester. (Language Arts and Mathematics must be two of the five subjects passed.) Passing a course is determined by the student earning a grade of no less than 70 percent each semester. (Yearly averages of 70 percent of higher in each core subject may be considered in making promotion decisions.)
- A Special Education student’s promotion is determined by his or her Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- Promotion for an English Learner (EL) or a student with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) is guided by his or her English Learner Proficiency Plan.