6th Grade Counseling
Welcome to 6th Grade!!!
770-736-4156 / Kim.Dickson@gcpsk12.org
Classroom Core Curriculum Lessons
- School Success: Counselor Introduction & Getting Along with Others
- Career Exploration: Interest and Cluster Inventory
- Teen Lures: Teen LuresTM Prevention is a research-based program that Gwinnett County Public Schools uses to teach the importance of healthy relationships and its connection to personal safety by way of class discussions, student handouts, video clips, and corresponding activities.
6th Grade Counseling AKS
1. Apply learned strategies to successfully transition to middle school.
2. Explore the relationship between classroom performance and success in school.
3. Recognize the importance of becoming a self-directed and independent learner.
4, Establish and implement challenging academic goals.
5. Explore the relationship between interests and talents.
6, Demonstrate an understanding of how feelings affect behaviors.
7, Demonstrate knowledge of ways to deal with others who display bullying behaviors (including cyber/media).
8. Demonstrate respect for the diversity among people (ideas, cultures, abilities, religion, politics, age, health, opinions, etc.).
9. Explain the importance of thinking for oneself and demonstrate an understanding of how one can be influenced by peers. Identify ways to say “no” to risky behaviors utilizing refusal skills.
10. Identify skills needed for making and keeping friends, while recognizing the importance of expressing feelings honestly and appropriately.
6th Grade Promotion Criteria
To earn promotion to the 7th grade, students should pass five out of six subjects each semester. (Language Arts and Mathematics must be two of the five subjects passed.) Passing a course is determined by the student earning a grade of no less than 70 percent each semester. (Yearly averages of 70 percent or higher in each core subject may be considered in making promotion decisions.)
- A Special Education student’s promotion is determined by his or her Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- Promotion for an English Learner (EL) or a student with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) is guided by his or her English Learner Proficiency Plan.